Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Legally Blonde

Elle Woods, you've inspired me.
You've made me sit back and contemplate upon something when I thought I felt so certian.
Is love enough?
Really though, have you ever thought about it?
Questioned the power of love?
Until now, I never have.
I believed love, true love, could conquer anything.
With love distance means nothing, and no trial nor tribulation could tear it apart.
If there's a will there is a way; love is the way.
In the words of Nicholas Sparks,
"When people care about each other, they always find a way to make it work".
But look at Elle.
She fell head over heels in love,
and she thought he was too,
but it wasn't enough.
That really made me think, and think I did.
Sometimes, love isn't enough.
But you know what that means?
It wasn't true love,
and it wasn't meant to be.
If it was, he wouldn't have let her go.
Luckily, Elle realized this too.
It allowed her to find true love,
and a man that wouldn't let her go.
A man that knew love is all,
and that love was her.
Sometimes, love isn't enough,
But with the right person,
it's all you need.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chivalry, is it dead?

Dear boys,

We want you to sweep us off our feet,
bring us flowers to see our stunning smiles,
and write us notes to make our cheeks blush with love.
We want you to care about us,
to open doors,
to think about us frequently,
to get jealous sometimes,
to always fight for us and never give up.
We want romantic gestures to show how much you care.
We want to hold your hand,
as you wrap your arm around us,
and kiss you infront of everyone and anyone to show you how much we care.
It's really not all that hard to figure out.
What has happened to this I ask?
Not that it still doesn't exisit.
I know for a fact that it truely does,
and well,
it's lovely.
But I'm seeing it less and less.
So, meet my old friend chivalry.
Go for it, ask a girl on a date.
Getting her number at a party isn't the same thing.
All I'm asking for is a little common decency,
and a lot more respect.
We deserve more.
Lately, I've only been running into guys that seem to not understand any of this.
Really, realize that we have feelings and don't want to just be a girl, we want to be that girl.
We want to be your girl.